Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Time I Had an Insane Sightseeing Weekend

As you may have noticed, I've avoided posting about this past weekend; not because it wasn't fun or exciting, but simply because I don't even know where to begin. In three days, I went to Hampton Court Palace, Olympic Park, Windsor Castle, Stonehenge and Bath, watched The Dark Knight Rises, AND I managed to have dinner with my lovely friend Craig, who is currently taking classes at Cambridge. How did I accomplish so much sightseeing in one weekend? My friends said I was crazy. I think they're right. With under a week left until our program ends and I leave London for the summer, I wanted to see and do as much as I could during my last weekend. I wish I had the time to write in detail about everywhere I went, but unfortunately time isn't something I have on my side. I'm actually writing this post while on a break from studying for our final exam (if you ever need to know the difference between perikymata and striae of Retzius, I'm your girl). I'm not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing for my faithful readers - here's looking at you, Mom and Dad - but for now, I'll just be sharing the highlights of the weekend in the following three posts.

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